D&RGW Rotary Snowplow "OY" Returns on the Cumbres & Toltec - 2/29-3/1, 2020

4 years ago

Videographers: Brian Jansky & Jason Rose

After a 23 year slumber, D&RGW Rotary Snowplow "OY" returned to life on the Cumbres & Toltec: February 29 - March 1, 2020.

This 2-day event began at the western terminus of Chama, New Mexico and worked up the 4% grade to the NM/CO state line by Saturday afternoon. That evening there was a night photo shoot in Chama Yard. The following morning the Rotary train left early and cleared from Cresco to Coxo where the railroad is out-of-sight of the highway. The photographers rejoined the train just south of Perry Pond (near Coxo Crossing) and followed the rest of the way up to 10,015' Cumbres Pass, Colorado.

This event was absolutely incredible! A once-in-a-lifetime experience...the pinnacle of railroad photography excursions. I can't imagine any event that could exceed the scenic beauty, uniqueness, professionalism, and camaraderie of this trip. The railroad did a superb job of organizing and executing every aspect from feeding 200 people for 2 days to staging more than a dozen photo locations across 14 miles of remote mountain railroad.

My one regret is the lack of tripod use. I was on the Wrangler Crew (from the Friends of the C&T) and due to space limitations on the buses we were asked not to bring tripods. For me photography was secondary to managing the photo lines and ensuring guest safety. That said, many of the shots turned out pretty good.

Special thanks to Brian Jansky for allowing me use of his video to supplement what I was able to capture. Brian and I have been friends for about a decade and drove up there together from Houston/Spring. These long trips are always better when a buddy rides along.

Also, special thanks to Bill Kepner for allowing me to use his video clip of The Demise of Rory, the Snowman. I completely missed this hilarious escapade put together by Pete Lerro and his crew.

Happy 50th Anniversary to the Cumbres & Toltec. Here's to many MANY more anniversary’s!


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