2009: Obama Bribes Taliban / US Occupiers Profit From Drug Trade - Afghan Minister

3 years ago

I Can't Grow A Plant But Obama Can Pay Drug King-Pins, Buy Off The Taliban AND Let US And Allies Profit From Opium Sales To North America And Europe?????

On Nov 1, 2009 The Afghan minister of counter narcotics says foreign troops are earning money from drug production in Afghanistan.

General Khodaidad said the majority of drugs are stockpiled in two provinces controlled by troops from the US, the UK, and Canada, IRNA reported on Saturday.

He went on to say that NATO forces are taxing the production of opium in the regions under their control.

Afghanistan is the world's biggest supplier of opium.

Drug production in the Central Asian country has increased dramatically since the US-led invasion eight years ago.

A recent report by the United Nations states that Afghan opium is having a devastating impact on the world, killing thousands in consumer countries.

Meanwhile, The New York Times reported on Wednesday that Ahmad Wali Karzai, a brother of the Afghan president, is involved in the opium trade, meets with Taliban leaders, and is also a CIA operative.

The opium trade is the major source of Taliban financing.


The US won't allow people to use cannabis medicinally, yet we bomb, rape, murder and profit from Afghanistan's drug trade and their other natural resources?

WE ARE THE TERRORISTS! Bush Klan, Dick and Liz Cheney, Clintons, Kissinger, Rockefeller, etc... etc... etc...

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