2 Psychics, No Limits! – Conversation continues on the contaminated second chakra

4 years ago

(Originally uploaded on YT on 12th May 2019)

After our previous video talking about the contamination of the second chakra, we kept talking about topics that belong to the second chakra as well. Here we are talking about:

* Viagra and birth control
* Money (greed, poverty)
* Sex, children, female and male rights
* Saying A but doing B – time of Truth is coming up now and been brought up to the surface
* Money received based on a lie will disappear, it will leave
* Healing will happen on the same level as the issue occurred
* 3D – Master and the Slave concept and 4D - asking questions and wonder
* Unbalance of Feminine and Masculine Energies as we have learnt that Masculine Energy belongs to the men and the Feminine Energy to the women. On our own we are not sufficient as we believe that we need the other to feel full
* Addiction, co-dependency
* Unfair pricing on male and female products, although they are the same (belief system that we women are not good enough that we are “required” to have all these products)
* Marketing is using sex to sell, and sex belongs to the 2nd chakra
* Loyalty counts and most of the times do not pay attention to the price or change products as male products are more often cheaper than for the women
* When a negative situation occurs, human beings have this ability to adapt and will adapt to a difficult living circumstance and continue from there instead of looking into the cause
* Biological chemistry being messed up incl. the mental and emotional capacity by the pharma business
* Watching commercials and the many repetitions can appear as a belief system
* Conform to certain rules, for example wearing a suit to be professional
* Young children who are listening to their bodies and would like to go to the toilet but are not allowed because it needs to sit still and be quiet
* Cultural ‘rules’ can relate to the contamination of the second chakra
* When the older generation will leave the planet, the old way of living will disappear as this generation is ankering these belief systems
* We are with more Light on Earth than with Darkness!
* The older generation came in with different energetics and genetics that are less Light than the younger generation(s)
* Younger generations are walking out of schools because of guns, climate change. They are taking the lead to change and let the old structures fall
* When working on our Shadows, we are also working on the collective’s
* A Shadow is not pleasant and when it is not pleasant, it is not your Shadow!
* A Shadow can have a web of emotions; it is a process as there are multiple layers that go deeper each time
* Looking radiant means that there is more Light shining through you!
* Going to the root cause from the first time around, it can be a complete shock for the mind and body and they are not able to handle this. With each layer the body will need to be re-balanced.

For more information about my work please visit www.channelingcarla.com
To book an appointment: info@channelingcarla.com

For Sacred Crystal Sound, please visit www.stepforwardandbecomewhole.com
To book an appointment: info@stepforwardandbecomewhole.com

For more information about Tamalla's work please visit www.yourownsoul.com
To book an appointment reach out to info@yourownsoul.com
FB: Tamalla – Your Empowerment Priestess and Your Empowerment Party

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