Mall Is Open. Church Is Closed!

4 years ago

In British Columbia, the malls are open while faith based organizations such as churches are closed. Yet, the first line of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms reads "Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law." To add insult to injury, the malls remain open at full capacity while churches are completely closed. Despite the fact that the right to worship is fundamental to Canada, churches are not afforded the same rights as secular organizations. In fact, those very same churches could be open if they just claimed a non religious purpose. Why is this happening? This is right out of the Marxist playbook. The same pattern of religious persecution took place in the USSR, China, and other communist countries. It never was about the "pandemic." It's about control, growing the size and power of the government, and ultimately a "new normal." The Marxists think they can shame us into submission. They want to accuse us of murder for leaving our house to go to our places of worship. Well, as I asked one woman who criticized me, "how many minutes have you been outside your house this week?!" Hypocrites!
BCCDC Faith Based Organizations:
B.C. Government Provincial Restrictions:
The Charter:

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