No Act Changes a Country Into a Corporation January 19, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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No Act Changes a Country Into a Corporation January 19, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Lots of people are suddenly running around parroting nonsense, saying that "the Act of 1871" converted this country into a corporation, but that is an obvious impossibility that didn't happen in 1871 or at any other time.

Countries are not and cannot be corporations.

As I have already pointed out, the real mischief being referenced actually occurred the prior year, when the Municipal United States (falsely) claimed the ability (as a representative of our lawful government) to charter corporations.

This Corporations Act of 1870 usurped upon a fundamental right and power of The United States of America that was never granted to the Municipal United States Government by any Constitution and it could not be magically granted to the Municipal United States Government by any self-serving Act of Congress.

That entire action was unconstitutional Ultra Vires over-reach on the part of the members of the then-Congress, null and void from inception.

Remember that under Roman Civil Law, that is, Municipal Law, you can lie and cheat and steal all you like, so long as nobody calls you on it. Once fraud is discovered and opposed, however, that same Roman Civil Law will happily crush you underfoot.

The Corporations Act of 1870 was a crime of fraudulent misrepresentation of authority undertaken by our Employees usurping upon us-----and we have objected to it.

Just like a game of Wizard's Chess, the big chess pieces begin to move and things start blowing up. A chain reaction of unavoidable, logical, inexorable consequences begins.

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