"Second" Declaration of Independence — ? No Contract January 19, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

4 years ago

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"Second" Declaration of Independence — ? No Contract January 19, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

This is not a comment about the content of the so-called Second Declaration of Independence that has been circulated on the web, because I haven’t read it.

I don’t have to read it to know that it is another British Barrister’s trick—- and here’s why.

Ever heard of a “Chain of Title”?

If you have claim to a piece of property — any kind of property— and that claim is based on a title or contract that is transferred over time, you must be able to demonstrate a step by step valid ownership
Interest transferred to you by the original grantor or patent-holder.

This is called a “Chain of Title” because each transfer of ownership represents a link in the “chain” linking the property to you.

Guess what happens if one link fails?

The chain of title breaks and you are out of luck.

The same thing happens with all such claims and contracts. Write this in big letters: If there is a break between you and the original contract, you lose it.

That is what has happened to our Federal Subcontractors as a result of their own actions, and now they are trying to bait us into similarly castrating ourselves.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/01/second-declaration-of-independence-no.html

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