Posse Comitatus, State Assemblies, and Our Military Operations January 17, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Posse Comitatus, State Assemblies, and Our Military Operations January 17, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

This country has always been under Martial Law as long as anyone now living can remember. It started in March of 1863, so nothing has really changed, except that the actual military encampment is coming out of the closet where people can see it again.
The Posse Comitatus Act was originally conceived as a means of outlawing armed bands of Union and Southern Troops, which did not immediately surrender after the Civil War, and keeping them from raiding communities and continuing to war against each other.
Later, it was a means to prevent large scale intervention in local politics by military authorities, but as an "Act" passed by the Territorial Congress, it was never really more than a Public Policy of a large corporation, and as such, was easily changed by President Obama, who removed the fangs of the Posse Comitatus Act during his Administration.
What you and many others are seeing now is enforcement that was always available to the U.S. Military, but wasn't spoken of; we have been living under a substantially foreign military junta for 160 years and this "news" is just now reaching the American Public.
Is it cause for alarm? Not really. The U.S. Military is still employed by us and staffed by our sons and daughters, albeit directed by middlemen, and their duty and contract is very clearly stipulated. If they want to keep their jobs, they have to protect us and our civilian government, which is no longer being "represented" by the Municipal United States, now that we are presenting ourselves and operating our own State Assemblies again.
Our American Government was never in constant Session. After the Civil War, the authorities enabled to call our States into Session were disrupted and as a result, our American Government wasn't called into Session and it appeared to be "absent" and "in interregnum" to the rest of the world. Just recently, in the last few years, we rediscovered this circumstance and a way to overcome it, so that the States and People have been properly summoned to assemble and that has now been accomplished in all fifty States.
We have also taken care of a bit of important housekeeping and formally enrolled all the States of the Union that have been created and entered Territorial Statehood since 1860. This means that all the States are present and accounted for and have full and equal standing as States of the Union. There can be no other legal presumptions of ownership interest or allegiance.
As a result of our reappearance on the world stage after 160 year silence, the Municipal Civil Government, which has been stealing our thunder and "representing" us in our "absence" ---even though it is only a foreign Subcontractor tasked with other duties--- cannot claim to be the civilian authority to which the U.S. Military owes allegiance.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/01/posse-comitatus-state-assemblies-and.html

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