Misinformation About the Act of 1871 is an Ongoing Problem-Part 3 January 15, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Misinformation About the Act of 1871 is an Ongoing Problem-Part 3 January 15, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Now that you know that the infamous Act of 1871 is dependent on the even more infamous Act of 1870, and that the upshot of it was to ensconce a Municipal for-profit Corporation as the Government of the District of Columbia, be prepared for more (unpleasant) surprises.
You might think that the Municipal Government provided for under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 was entrusted to Americans acting as State Deputies operating our Continental Congress or to Americans acting as American State of State Delegates, and you would be right. The "Congress" referenced by Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 had to be American and the people represented by that Congress had to be true United States Citizens as provided by 2 USC 253.
How do we know that for sure? Because those provisions were written into the original Federal Constitution --- The Constitution for the united States of America, and there was no Territorial or Municipal Congress in existence in 1787 when the original Constitution was approved.
Our Founders meant their United States Congress to act as honorable stewards of a simple Public Trust, to provide a safe mutual meeting ground at the Federal Capitol, Washington, DC. They did not envision foreign Subcontractors doing that duty or exercising that trust.
Okay, the usurpation of that position by foreign Subcontractors is fraud and non-disclosure and failure to assist victims of a crime in Breach of Trust, but it gets worse.
Having illegally exercised powers entrusted to other Parties, the Municipal Corporations acting as the Government of the District of Columbia didn't honor the original concept, by which the members of any Congress --- even a Municipal Congress --- would exercise the powers of government for the District of Columbia.
Instead, they initially redefined the members of the ersatz unauthorized Territorial Congress to be a Board of Directors for the new Municipal Corporation acting as the Government of the District of Columbia, and then, proceeded to place everything under the thumb of a Municipal Governor for the Municipal Corporation acting as the Government of the District of Columbia.
Over time, even this bizarre rearrangement of powers and duties was truncated and messed with until by 1913, less than half a dozen men were required to -- purportedly-- pass the Federal Reserve Act on Christmas Eve, and by 1940, the Governors of the Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia didn't even have to be elected members of any Congress at all.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/01/misinformation-about-act-of-1871-is_5.html

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