Calling You Blessed - Happy Mother's Day!

4 years ago

I wrote this song to record with my six kids for my wonderful wife for her Mother's Day gift. For inspiration, besides their Mommy, I drew from Proverbs 31 when writing the lyrics.

We were delighted to have her dad come join in on the third verse for a bonus surprise. Isaac (15) played bass, Timothy (13) played drums, I played everything else, and we all sang.

The instrumental interlude was performed on a Korg Volca Keys. Besides adding reverb, the Keys was mixed exactly as it comes out of the headphone jack -- with no additional EQ or compression.

Happy Mother's Day! Here's to all the women who work so tirelessly to shape the next generations.

For anyone still reading and curious, the background image was a photo of last year's gift which was a shirt we made handprints and lettering on by creating hand outlines with gaffer's tape (see the last image in the video) and then lightly misting with bleach. It was her favorite shirt for the past year. If you want to try it yourself, get two shirts so you can experiment with the amount of bleach and the length of time to let it work in before washing. A little bleach goes a long way.

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