Lin Wood Jan. 19, 2021 Video Drops 1-4 re Chief Justice Roberts and Epstein

3 years ago

From the Telegram Account:

Post Link-
“Telegram has temporarily suspended replies to my posts. Apparently users were posting improper content. I am working on resolving that issue. In the meantime, please consider sharing my posts and videos of a very brave whistleblower. Share truth with others. Thank you. - Lin 🙏” 1:03pm Central Time, Jan. 19, 2021.
On January 19, 2021, four 3 to 4 minute videos were posted where a man was interviewed regarding U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts regarding Jeffrey Epstein.
Post Links:
“The whistleblower has been brutally tortured and he and his wife have lived in fear of death. The guilty parties thought their threats silenced him. Further damning evidence was sealed for alleged National Security purposes in a federal court in Maryland. False charges were brought against the whistleblower. He decided to risk his life to speak truth. He did so as a believer in God. He is a hero. In time, I pray that he will be pardoned and honored for his courage in revealing the truth. If FBI or other nefarious actors harm him now they will only further indict themselves and prove their guilt. Pray for Psalm 91 protection for this brave man and whistleblower. - Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸”
Post Link:

Please feel free to share this information. I’m putting a copy of this information under the video in the description box. Love y’all!
Tiffany Fontenot, CRSA, Our Still Small Voice

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