Misinformation About the Act of 1871 is an Ongoing Problem-Part 2 January 15, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

4 years ago

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Misinformation About the Act of 1871 is an Ongoing Problem-Part 2 January 15, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

We dealt with the Prelude understanding of the Big Picture and Nomenclature and Credits to other Researchers in Part 1. In Part 2, we discover other important aspects....

There is nothing called "The Act of 1871" is the first bit of pure gold. The fecund and feral 41st Congress of "the" United States of America chunked out dozens of "Acts" in 1871 and it is open to question which Act is purportedly "the" Act.

The second piece of critical need-to-know mission information is that you will never understand any Act of 1871, no matter which one you pick, without first grasping the importance of what I call "the" Act of 1870 -- the prior year's mischief promoted by the Rump Congress.

I am providing the document via attachment to my email list, but FB Friends will have to go to my website, www.annavonreitz.com to get their copies of the more interesting Act of 1870 that I am now referencing.

The Act of 1870 is in its way far more interesting and deplorable, as the Vermin gave themselves rights that they don't actually possess --- and that is, to charter corporations "for" the District of Columbia, which is not now and never was a sovereign nation or State of the Union.

The Act of 1870 was blatant usurpation executed under the False Presumption of the "absence" of our States and our Federation of States and sought to make the District of Columbia a separate Commonwealth (British) entity with the powers of a sovereign nation --- which it is not then, nor now.

The ability to form corporations and to incorporate them for the benefit of a sovereign entity is a uniquely sovereign activity that has never extended to the Territorial Government of the District of Columbia by these United States and which was never allowed to the British Monarch under The Constitution of the United States of America.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/01/misinformation-about-act-of-1871-is_15.html

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