UNLAWFULLY Kicked Off Public College Campus - Palm Beach State | Kerrigan Skelly

4 years ago

Would you like to help Kerrigan continue to preach the gospel? Have you been edified by Kerrigan's preaching? Prayerfully consider giving financially towards the work of the Lord in PinPoint Evangelism: www.paypal.me/pinpointevangelism

Thank you and God Bless!

#palmbeachstate #freedomofspeech #constitution

Video footage of Kerrigan Skelly of PinPoint Evangelism http://www.pinpointevangelism.com and Brother Colin preaching at Palm Beach State in Lake Worth, FL. They were unlawfully kicked off of this public campus and were then given unlawful policies to come back on and threatened with arrest. Then they went and preached at a local high school after classes had ended for the day.

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