3 years ago

A person commented and asked about "the order of the fossils in the geological column" Three videos to question the Geologic Column"
1 ) A trilobite, is an index fossil. An index fossil, is a fossil that is used to date a particular portion of the strata, in the Geologic Column. Well, supposedly if you come across a trilobite, you have reached the LAST layer with any biological material, called the Cambrian Layer.
hmmmmmmm, what is a modern shoe print doing stepping on an extinct trilobite? How come discoveries like this never make it into the textbooks, and why were the scientists in the video afraid to have anything to do with this find? Its called THE EVOLUTIONARY ESTABLISHMENT'S WITCH TRIALS AND INQUISITION.
2 ) A volcano in the United States laid down over 600 feet of deposits, in only a few years time., But if the evolutionist had not seen the event--you, can bet that BILLIONS OF YEARS WOULD BE THE EXCUSE PERIOD, and of course the layers would line up perfectly with the Geologic column--because of course they are the authorities, and you must believe what gets published.
3) In this video, a secular scientist is explaining the layers he observes in the Grand Canyon.
Now the canyon is 300 or so miles from any ocean, yet, at the bottom of the canyon, and a mile high--he finds ocean fossils--NOT THE POINT OF MY ARGUMENT BUT I COULD NOT RESIST (FLOOD ANYONE). His explanation for the 8 different layers in the canyon, is the SEA must of covered that area, 8 different times, over BILLIONS of years. But now we are talking about a "local" sea flood, 8 different times. Where is this ubiquitous geologic column at? This would be an example of a "local" geologic column. Also, If one modern volcano can put down 600 feet of deposits in only a few years--why does it take Billions of years for the Grand Canyon--which scientists say was formed by 100 volcanoes?
NOTHING IS EVER AS EASY AND AIR TIGHT AS THE EVOLUTIONIST WOULD HAVE YOU BELIEVE--And whenever the science goes against them, they bury it as fast as possible, OR SCREAM HOAX, and attack the finder. EVEN OUR SCIENCE TODAY IS PC, WHAT A SHAME.

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