The Cambrian Explosion: What Caused IT? And God Said.

3 years ago

.......@Yekkt So fully formed body plans--has nothing to do with evolution
MY RESPONSE: It has everything to do with your belief system, and the videos describe the Cambrian Explsion as EVOLUTIONS BIG BANG--BUT I BET YOU DID NOT WATCH THE VIDEOS.
....... FURTHERMORE, you cannot explain the origin of life, and the origin of the universe combined--the actual two MIRACLES that Atheists depend upon--but they depend upon them without a creator--a scientific impossibility. In fact, by definition--you cannot believe in a creator or uncaused cause. By definition--you must and do only consider material causes. Me I am free to accept both types of causes and follow the evidence where it leads. At least I have an unmoved mover, the first cause, or the uncaused cause. All you have is Nothing produced a Rock, then life sprang from that rock BY NOTHING--no natural selection at all for first life--then a mindless, unguided, undirected process built the most sophisticated information, storage, retrieval, and error correction system in the known universe (Bill Gates) and did it at the microscopic level. ATHEIST HOGWASH. .......Again another scientific impossibility. Yet you believe my faith in Christ is a fairy tale. Yours is much worse than mine, AND THE SCIENCE IN 2020 is on my side.
....... It's always a bad say for the evolutionists these days, when their little pond story, is a fairy tale of the highest order. Instead, even the secular scientists realize more and more, that LIFE DID NOT EVOLVE ON this planet. Instead, Life EXPLODED on this planet--just like the BIBLE said it did. Three little SECULAR videos for your amusement--and again, they are form people on your side of the isle.
....... In fact, thanks to the prompting of the Atheists on these youtube channels, sending me all kinds of articles about RNA BEING the precursor to DNA, I ran across a very recent article that sheds NEW LIGHT ON THE SUBJECT. Here is their conclusion statement: "Co-author Dr. Jay Goodwin, a chemist with Emory University says "It is truly exciting to consider the potential for alternate genetic systems, based on these analogous nucleotides -- that these might possibly have emerged and evolved in different environments, perhaps even on other planets or moons within our solar system. These alternate genetic systems might expand our conception of biology's 'central dogma' into new evolutionary directions, in response and robust to increasingly challenging environments here on Earth." (DNA is only one among millions of possible genetic molecules November 11, 2019 Tokyo Institute of Technology) "
....... SO LIFE organics, ORIGINATED ON OTHER PLANETS OR MOONS ("IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM"), NOT ON THIS PLANET, BUT EVOLVED AND CAME FROM OUTER SPACE. WHY DO THEY CONCLUDE THIS, BECAUSE AND I QUOTE: “in response and robust to increasingly challenging environments here on Earth.” IN OTHER WORDS, EVOLUTION ON THIS PLANET IS IMPOSSIBLE--AND THAT IS BASED ON THE EVIDENCE AND SCIENCE THESE SECULAR SCIENTISTS HAVE. . To add insult to injury—ask yourself a simple question: Which planet in our solar system has the richest amount of resources for life?—well it’s the Earth of course—but now they say life did not originate on this planet but came form a moon or other planet IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM. This is a significant statement, because for life to originate somewhere outside of our solar system by only natural means, is absolutely impossible, and secular scientists know this.
....... So, today more and more secular scientists, see the Cambrian explosion--and a new find in China--makes it more certain than ever. When a Chinese scientist shared his Cambrian Explosion findings, a western scientist asked him if he was concerned about the repercussions of his findings, and the Chinese scientist says, "in China we can't question the government, but we can question Darwin, while in America you can question your government, but you can't question Darwin." So how exactly did all the major body plans just show up? Why have non theistic scientists, come up with "directed panspermia" like in the movie clip, where the actor Don Cheadle, exclaims "that's it". If the fossil record is so complete as you suggest, and the evidence for evolution so sure, then why did RICHARD DAWKINS feel the need to talk about "directed panspermia?

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