The Silent Epidemic: The Untold Story of Vaccines (2013)

4 years ago

A factual science based review and evaluation of vaccines and their impact on our health. Experts detail how fraught the widespread use of vaccines is for our current and future generations.

One of the most controversial topics in the past several years is vaccines. As in, should we ban vaccines or should we not? Should we vaccine our children or should we not?

The question was popularized in the past years thanks to the HPV virus. Many parents refuse to vaccine their children with the HPV vaccine. Their reasoning is that their children are safer without a vaccine, quoting the possible side effects.

And while in the past doctors were always pro-vaccine, we are not getting to the point that even medical experts suggest avoiding vaccines. We will not tell you to vaccine or not, but it is always nice to hear both sides of a subject.

In this video, you'll hear it from experts in the medical field. They have done their own, individual research on the topic of vaccines. And what they've found out is that sometimes it is better to ditch vaccines.

The Silent Epidemic: The Untold Story of Vaccines (2013)

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