Lamentations Overview {S1; E1} (1/11/2018)

4 years ago

"Lamentations is a commonly neglected book of the Old Testament of the Bible. That must mean that it is insignificant. Right? No, not at all!
This video gives an overview of the book of Lamentations along with why it is in the Old Testament and how it foretells the coming of the Messiah Jesus Christ.
I hope you enjoy this video!
The quote, “a form of protest, a way to process emotion, a place to voice confusion"" is from the Bible Project's Video on Lamentations.

The Bible version used is the King James Version, which is public domain in the United States.
Source of many of the ideas:
Lamentations by TBP:
Source of several cross-references:
Ultimately, it was the Lord Jesus Christ Who inspired this video."

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