4 years ago

Watch this short video clip form a secular scientist first: https://youtu.be/mTOuAHWshG0
........ I must thank all of you that keep sending me Atheistic, evolutionary articles, because they contain clues that keep backing up the Biblical Stories. For instance, in a recent article someone sent, is the following Quote: “An alternative is that dumb luck allowed the 46 chromosome humans to win. Perhaps people with 46 chromosomes were in an isolated community somewhere and the rest of humanity was wiped out. Certainly humanity has had near death experiences before. The most recent one was probably 75,000 or so years ago.”
....... Just like the video I included at the beginning of this post, the article says that man almost went extinct—BUT THEY DON’T KNOW HOW—and when they include the word Probably in the quote—THEY DON’T KNOW WHEN. How do they know this—genetic studies. Now, again, the only fact we can go on, is that once the Human Species arrived, sometime later it almost went extinct. NOW WHERE HAVE I HEARD THIS STORY BEFORE? Hmmmmmm let me see. It has something to do with 4 couples, living through a “bottle neck” event. Oh that’s right the Bible got it right again. Seems like there was once a worldwide flood (and this secular video suggests there could have been just that: https://youtu.be/EjiAgoxzcps). And this next secular video gives credence to my claim about the previous video, as it factually states that 600 feet of deposits can be put down by one volcano—now just think what a worldwide flood could do. https://youtu.be/tt2TCbGxmDg.
....... Oh, and the best of all, is that all ancient cultures record such an event, and I quote: “The Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh dates back nearly 5,000 years and is thought to be perhaps the oldest written tale on the planet…..Myriad ancient cultures have their own legends of watery cataclysm and salvation. According to Vedic lore......An Aztec story sees a devout couple hide in the hollow of a vast tree with two ears of corn as divine storms drown the wicked of the land. Creation myths from Egypt to Scandinavia involve tidal floods of all sorts of substances — including the blood of deities — purging and remaking the earth…. Flood myths are so universal that the Hungarian psychoanalyst Geza Roheim thought their origins were physiological, not historical. TIME MAGAZINE Before Noah: Myths of the Flood Are Far Older Than the Bible” In fact, Hollywood has recently released a movie about the Flood, but the producers admit they used the Babylonian version. https://youtu.be/GxsZTA0sTws
....... So lets see, we have genetic evidence that all humans almost went extinct. We have evidence from the Grand Canyon—that it was covered at one time by the sea, up to over a mile high. We have evidence form Mount St. Helens that one volcano can put down 600 feet of deposits in a very short period of time. And we have written records from all ancient cultures (NOT JUST ONE RELIGIOUS SECT) about a world wide flood. And of course we have the Biblical Narrative. The Bible got it right again. It has never been a better time to be a person of Faith than it is today. Praise Jesus.

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