[first video] - my sermon from earlier this month

3 years ago

Q: Why are you preaching?
A: I've been an ordained minister since 2013 and have finally decided to youtube it.
Q: Why now?
A: I've attended many churches and spoken with many ministers. None want to tell of the end days, none want to be labeled as doomsayers. They would rather ignore the negative and preach the positive. I am not afraid to walk through the valley in the shadow of death
Q: Do I have to tithe with you?
A: No, I do not and shall not ask you to. I do this for free. I don't even make ad revenue from this.
Q: what if I want to tithe?
A: I do have a donation link if you feel the call to do so. https://streamlabs.com/darksilverjess...
Q: Why do you keep touching your head?
A: A nervous tick I've had for a couple years now. It's basically my thinking "should I be doing/saying this".

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