C Major and Phrygian Octave Scales | Flamenco Guitar | Flamenco Guitar Tutorial | Guitarra Flamenca

4 years ago

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Hi! My name is Ben Stubbs. Iā€™m an American guitar instructor, and the founder of Flamenco4U guitar school here in Los Angeles. Join me here on my YouTube page to learn how to play the flamenco guitar. Thanks for stopping by!

ā€¦And donā€™t for get to subscribe to get the latest lesson.

I wanted to give you an idea of what you can do with octaves on the guitar.

First off, sorry for looking so tired in this video... I had just gotten done teaching back to back lessons.šŸ„±

In this video I show you how you can play both the bass and treble notes of the C major scale scale using "pedal" (a bass-treble exchange with p, i, & m fingers)...as well as the E major Phrygian scale, which is basically just an extension of the C major scale making it's way down bass C to the low E.

...Hmm...did that make sense? šŸ˜• If not, let me know!

I hope this video sheds some light on the subject of octaves, and how awesome they are...and...how you can use them in MalagueƱas. Enjoy!

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