Be The Love | Sharla Ember

4 years ago

Original song by Sharla Ember

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We are the people to 'Be the Love' in the world today. The only way to do that is to surrender to the perfect Love of our Source and allow that Love to transform us from the inside out. I'm sending you all huge hugs, light, and love! Let's Be the Love so we can make the kind of change that we want in the world! Thank you for your support!

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We come from far and wide
Each one with a story, each one with a sword at our side
But now we must allow to retell our story
with a vision that frees our mind

Kuwa upendo, kuwa upendo (Be the love)
Katika dunia, katika dunia (in the world)

Shout it out
We are the people to be the love in the world today (repeat)

We've used our wounds and our pride
to stir up these lies and be rulers who lead with our pain
But now we must arise from the depths of our shame
and believe who we are in Love's eyes

Kuwa upendo, kuwa upendo
Katika dunia, katika dunia

Shout it out
We are the people to be the love in the world today

All nations, all devotions, all countries with one voice sing.


Sharla is a musical mystic, transformational healer, divine channel, singer/songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, gut health enthusiast, and teacher of core awakening. Her gift of holding space for unconditional love through channeled music, love, and healing attracts others to break out of old belief patterns, awaken and return to their natural state of being which is wholeness and love.

Sharla writes and performs in multiple styles and enjoys odd time signatures, layered harmonies, and counter-melodies. But the most important element for her in the music is to reach deep into the soul. Everything she produces has a message intended to break you open and experience something a little deeper than maybe you've experienced before. Also, her aim is to make a change in the world and celebrate diversity by bringing together all races, religions, and cultures. Her music is spiritual and inspired by different cultures around the world - middle eastern, Asian, Native American, Celtic, African, shamanic to name a few.

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