The New Normal - Documentary Please watch you life and other's may depend on it.

4 years ago

Please watch you life my depend on it.
This is from
This documentary is new and is being censored heavily on social media!

Bamba Ferko

VERY Important Alert from Elizabeth Hart, who has been a whistle-blowing, thorn in the side of every Big Pharma-shilling politician and government bureaucrat in Australia for decades. This alert requires widespread cross-posting (again and again) until the World Economic Forum Conspiracy to enslave us all is recognized and resistance movements are well-established. - GGK

“Crikey, just watched this video which also features Robert Kennedy Jr., Michael Yeadon, Dolores Cahill and others...and, on the other side...Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles (and hundreds of other “elite” billionaires who are World Economic Forum co-conspirators)...

“And what about 'our elected politicians' (and who have bought into this “Great Reset/Economy-crippling Lockdown” caper and sold us down the river...? (Ex: Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock, Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau and company.)

“This documentary sums it all up - self-styled 'elites' are planning to displace humanity with Artificial Intelligence, robotization of every job possible, starvation of small businesses, installation (without the consent of the people) of lethal and/or sickness-inducing 5G networks that will also displace many jobs and the impoverishing of most everybody. Welcome to the 'useless class' of 'hackable animals'...

“The people behind this (Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and every Big Pharma CEO and Corporation that are World Economic Forum members) are traitors to humanity...

“And what about the Royal Family? Prince William urges the public to follow the Queen's example and get COVID jab

“Treason anybody?”

Gary G.

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