Health Cabinet Makeover

4 years ago

→ Get Therapeutic Grade essential oils:
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Dating back to ancient times and used for thousands of years, essential oils are a natural remedy for many of life’s adversities – whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. With many biblical references, essential oils have historically been used to combat virtually every ailment known to man. Something the ancient world knew and implemented quite well, our modern society has only begun to discover the power of God’s healing oils.

The broad spectrum of therapeutic actions of essential oils are coming back into the limelight for their healing benefits. Not only are they used as effervescent perfumes, but also as applications to temper aches and pains, as antiseptic remedies to promote health and healing, and even as agents to support emotional and spiritual harmonization.

We know essential oils are some of the most powerful forms of plant-based medicine in the world. And whether you're struggling with hypothyroidism, chronic bronchitis, a cold or flu, adrenal fatigue or a number of other health conditions, essential oils can be used as therapy to help naturally heal the body.

How is it that chemicals we would never put into our bodies are found in cleaning products we use every day in our homes?

Essential oils are an ideal choice for a cleaner, healthier home.
Learn more about essential oils for you, your family, your pets and all around your home:


→ More great content:


Thanks so much for watching.
Cheers to lifelong health for you and your family!


How is it that chemicals we would never put into our bodies are found in cleaning products we use every day in our homes? Those chemicals are bad, really bad...

Essential oils are an ideal choice for a cleaner, chemical-free, healthier home. Learn more at


*This content is strictly the opinion of Dr. Lizie Pilicy, and is only for educational and informational purposes. It’s not intended to provide medical advice or to replace place advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Lizie nor the publisher of this content take responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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