Biden Investigates Troops, Trump Builds Impeachment Defense Team, New Capitol Hill Riot Arrests

4 years ago

Big week in D.C. as the government prepares for the Biden Inauguration. President Donald Trump finishes his term planning for pardons and his impeachment defense. New arrests made in the Capitol Hill Riots, and more! Join criminal defense lawyer Robert F. Gruler to discuss the latest criminal, political and legal news, including:

• Washington D.C. is on lockdown in anticipation of a busy week - we review the situation on the Hill
• Expected armed marches over this weekend failed to materialize after Feds mobilize massive show of force
• Biden inauguration team vets National Guard forces to identify Trump supporters within the ranks
• FBI probing foreign governments to identify source of funding in Capitol Hill Riots
• Dept. of Justice details 7 new high-profile arrests in Capitol Hill protests
• Donald Trump works over the weekend to assemble Impeachment Defense Team
• Rudy Giuliani indicates he will not be apart of the defense, believing he may ultimately end up as a witness
• Karl Rove weighs in on impeachment defense
• Senator Lindsey Graham drafts letter to incoming Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer regarding impeachment
• Senator Rand Paul warns GOP about lasting consequences if they vote in impeach Trump
• New information in Ghislaine Maxwell case set to be revealed this week
• Trump plans pardons on last full day of office (tomorrow)
• CNN now talking about banning alternative news sources like conservative YouTubers
• Project Veritas releases newly leaked video from Twitter discussing wide-ranging bans
• As always! your questions and live chat!

The show starts at 5pm AZ time (4pm PT, 6pm Central, 7pm ET).
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