Kettlebell Around the Word in the Safety Zone Animated

3 years ago

Around the World in the Safety Zone
Stand with your feet anchored straight ahead shoulder width apart.
Start with both hands on the kettlebell (object or no weight) in front of you
Release the bell with one hand and use the other to move it behind your back. At the same time, move the free hand behind your back and hand the kettlebell to it and move the kettlebell back in front of you horizontally or vertically and hand it off back to the other hand. To avoid going to fatigue start out with a minute on & 15 seconds off working up to 3 to 5 minutes with a 5 second break depending on your fitness level. Keep handing off the kettlebell from hand to hand around your body and then reverse the movement and go in the opposite direction for the same amount of time.
Exercise Tips in the Safety Zone
Maintain an upright position and go as fast as safely possible. Gain momentum with the kettlebell & allow the arms to extend fully with that momentum locking out your elbows to save straining them. Grip the kettlebell in the corner of the horn not in the middle. Extend your leg to help you pop up to fire muscles. Around the world teaches you eye had coordination & how to grip hand transitions with muscles as they fire around your body.
Squeeze your abdominals, engage you core, breathe deep into your diaphragm & resist allowing your torso and upper body to turn as your arm moves the kettlebell behind you. Engaging the core breathing deep into your diaphragm will stabilize the lower back so that you don’t twist yourself into an injury. Keep your shoulders locked in their sockets, no shoulder shrugs, not a biceps exercise & engage your lats. This will help keep your shoulders & arms turning with the move by keeping your core engaged. Use start stop moves to make this into a drill for greater strength, coordination & lighting quick movements.
Mastery Coach Kettlebell Lady of Iron is available for coaching & to answer your questions.

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