Old Fart Rants NEVER studied the Bible hub video

4 years ago

I will alert everyone when/if I add more to this. Old Fart Rants is adept @ recycling old arguments every 6 months or so because he has lots of free time, hoping the person that corrected him isn’t watching this time. He’s a glutton for punishment & a gold mine of stupidity. Let’s begin.

My first response to Old Fart Rants, which covered several topics. His most hilarious error (of many) was his belief that the “unicorn” in the OT was the mythological creature with a single-horn coming out of its gourd. 50 years of (alleged) Bible study & he *never* bothered to look up the Hebrew? Whaaat? Basically, he’s right because… empiricism. He still hasn’t recovered from that intellectual beating.



Old Fart Rants gets sunk by Noah’s Ark. Claimed that Noah would not have been able to get all those “species” (?) on the Ark because there’s just too darn many of them. Again, this guy (falsely) claimed to have studied the Bible for 50 years, yet assumed that the Hebrews classified animals the same way we do today. A monumental error.


Old Fart Rants gets humiliated by UTubekookdetector & The Cartesian Theist


Did Old Fart Rants study the Bible for 50 years? Uh, no. He uses logic a person with a room temperature IQ would be wary of using. “Some people aren’t Christians, some people don’t believe Jesus Christ is the Messiah—ergo, Christianity isn’t true.” He’s serious! OFR also admitted he doesn’t use, nor has he ever used, a Concordance. This goes w/ commentary @ http://www.freewebs.com/professor_enigma/senileoldfart.htm


Old Fart Rants thinks Hebrew & Greek are “dead languages.” So, I guess the millions of people who still speak those languages are dead. Hilarious! This ties into one of his larger themes—anything that’s been translated into English is suspect because an uneducated, unhygienic hillbilly says so. OFR needs to tell all those classical history departments, all those ANE history departments—you’re irrelevant.


More proof Old Fart Rants didn’t study the Bible for 50 years. The poor old guy bungles the Jewish interpretation of the “sun” & “stars.” He forced a square-peg into a round hole & thought “by golly, the Jews probably had the same thought process & cultural milieu that we have today.” Uh, no old man.



Old Fart Rants getting thumped on subjective morality vs. objective morality. He finally figured out what those terms meant after I spoon-fed it to him numerous times. It was quite the dental task (no pun intended). This is germane to this video as well, as old teeth often uses this in his rants on theology.





Old Fart Rants asserts the Bible (he later tried to weasel out of this, but I have the screenshots) teaches a flat earth, but he ends up getting flattened

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r77XuGPgWHk (3:36-5:08)

Old Fart Rants made a lot of hay over Harold Camping’s erroneous predictions concerning “The Rapture” (this is something I’ve not examined extensively, so I am deferring to J.P. Holding), but one would think, after 50 years of (alleged) Bible study, OFR would know there is more than one Biblical eschatology out there—Preterism.

Anyways, there’s no biblical basis for Harold Camping (or Jack Van Impe or Edgar Whisenant or the Jehovah’s Witnesses) to make any predictions that Jesus Christ will return on X. If OFR knows of any *specific verses* that say Jesus Christ will return on [insert date here] he can cover them in his response video.






Old Fart Rants’ “The Greatest Bullsh** Story Ever Told” Debunked


The hub on my website for all my responses to Old Fart Rants


Old Fart Rants studied the Bible for 50 years, but had no clue what “faith” is to a 1st Century Jew. Doesn’t know “pistis” from a pistol


Old Fart Rants & his brown teeth vs. subjective morality. Enjoy!


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