Organic Medicine for Mental Health- Alternatives Counseling

3 years ago

Anxiety - What causes it?
Anxiety is the most diagnosed mental problem in America.
Ankram (2019) did research on anxiety and how the attacks are caused by the fighter flight system which is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system (primary brain). Does it cannot be controlled by your thoughts. This would be like controlling your heart rate by thinking.
When we are in fight or flight the following symptoms dominate
Increased heart rate
Blood concentration goes to lungs and muscles
Dilation of pupils
Tunnel vision (Focus on danger only)
Zero concentration and zero digestion

Fight or flight
Pathological anxiety interferes with our ability to cope successfully with life changes (Steiner 2002).
One theory about attention deficit disorder may be in fight or flight theory. If a person is continuously highly aroused they will possibly connected with fear and being fighter flight. Or if a person is abused especially a child, then going to the classroom and having a male teacher who is similar to the perpetrator will put the child in fight or flight all the time.
Causes of Anxiety
Old research blames adrenaline there was a study at Columbia University which proves the “Fight or Flight” response cannot get started without the hormone which is made in the bones (Berger 2019). I will address which hormone later.
According to Queroz (2012) Chlorella Volgaris reduce his impact of stress on hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal axes. Also Brain C- Foss Expression. Just reducing the stress level. Like revving your engine to 7000 RPMs. If you do it long enough they’re serious damage. With Chlorella your engine revs up to 4000 and far less damage.
Shikasate pathway and Sugar
Dr. Stephanie Senoff from MIT, has spent over 30 yrs studying glyphosate and its effects on environment/ people. Glutimate reduces Adrenalin (fight or Flight). But is destroyed in Pancreas when bad flora are present. Remember bad flora come from acidic PH caused by Glyphosate.
BDNF is brain transmitter involved in learning and memory. It is blocked by glyphosate and white sugar. White sugar is used to cut street drugs such as heroin because the sugar creates more addiction.
Both sugar and glyphosate create pancreatic insulin disfunction.
Sugar does not increase energy and cause hyperactivity. Sugar decreases critical thinking and increases impulsivity.
GABA (Amino acid) not Gabapentin which has narcotics/ opiates. The amino acid is a calmer and used on Autistic children to reduce anxiety from other people and environmental issues. Also used to calm persons with seizure disorders.(Wu, 2007)
Gaba is also used to reduce withdrawal from narcotics and opiates (Steinberger, 2007; Mess, 2011)

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