4 years ago

Commie Bastards & Billions of Angels!

What a combination! So very different in makeup but they have something in common—both are on assignment. One has as its goal the destruction of America with its historic, Christian values; the other, the redemption of America with that same set of values.

The destruction of America with its historic, Christian values is readily discernible and does not need our attention at this point; but much can be made of their opponents and the employment of Florida as an “operating base”. Right away some folk could permit their “noses to be bent out of shape” because their state has not been selected as an angelic base of operations. “Cool it”, this is God’s business.

There are several things here worthy of speculative attention. No. 1, “Every matter must be established in the mouth of two or three witnesses” (II Corinthians 13:1b). Here this qualification is being met by the word of Prophet Kat Kerr and Bishop Shawn Baker of Miramar Beach, FL.

No. 2, Florida is being established as a base of operations. What may be concluded from this? Florida itself is in for righteous upheaval. Those things which are not of God will soon and inevitably be brought to the surface. People who are currently recognized as God’s faithful servants will become more emboldened, warriors if you please. These servants will further prepare themselves with “fasting” and prayer, making sure their lives are clean before the Lord.

No. 3, revival should begin to burst forth, from likely and unlikely quarters. In this, repentance should burst forth in the church, delineating between those who want to go on with God and those who are content to play religious games. With the foundation of the church re-established, conversions (being “born again” of the Spirit of God) will begin to follow. These persons will be gathered into cleansed and renewed churches where they can be instructed (discipled). Miracles of every sort should begin to follow with a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

No. 4, the battle thus being waged in the spirit realm, will become evident in the political realm. Watch out, Washington, D.C.! Watch the forces of righteousness mount up with angelic power, chasing from every corner the darkness which harbors “Commie Bastards”. Then watch Mr. Trump simply be ushered into the Presidency rightfully his—none can say him “nay”.

No. 5, the battle for righteousness over Florida and Washington will begin to sweep across the nation. “What a day of rejoicing this will be”.

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