Mind Shock - What Is The Endless Question? - Episode #1

4 years ago

In this episode of Mind Shock, we explore the new and exciting theory of Quantum Field Psychology. Since before time, humankind has pondered one central question…who are we, and why are we here? Many theories have been put forth, by religious leaders, scientists, philosophers, writers, artists, and countless others.

Dr. Ron Dalrymple explains the origins of his MIND SHOCK theory, Quantum Field Psychology, which led to 50 years of research and the production of his current two-hour documentary, The Endless Question, now free on Amazon Prime. Dalrymple discusses a few of the basic principles of his theory, starting with the idea that the mind is an energy field that transcends the physical brain. This is expressed as a Fourier wave, with thought energy projecting from the mind and traveling throughout space. Parallels are drawn to the theories of Tesla.

His theory turns modern-day science on its proverbial head, with connections drawn between science and spirit, that threaten both worlds.

This is a controversial theory, not for the faint of heart or mind.

It for the open-minded, free thinkers of the world, who have the courage to think for themselves.
None of the prior psychological theories have held the test of time, because there is a central fact, a hidden truth so powerful it almost transcends comprehension. It is so shocking, few dare imagine it. To keep this secret question hidden, countless people throughout the centuries have been misled, manipulated, lied to, and even slaughtered, their lives ruined to benefit the ruling class.

The Endless Question is a documentary sequel to Paradise Found 2015 (Amazon), both about Quantum Field Psychology (2004).

Experts, gurus, and quantum thinkers from around the world are interviewed by Dr. Ron Dalrymple, each asked eight key questions about the mind as an energy field.

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