Mind Shock - Natural Awakenings - Episode #2

4 years ago

Dr. Ron Dalrymple interviews Linda Sechrist, National Editor for Natural Awakenings magazine, about her insights concerning Quantum Field Psychology and Dalrymple’s new two-hour film, The Endless Question, now FREE on Amazon Prime.

Sechrist tells her personal story with the magazine, having interviewed thousands of people over many years and written thousands of articles in this space.

She said that Quantum Field Psychology is the only hard science approach linking science to spirit, and truly is the BRIDGE THEORY long searched for by many in this field. Even more, it is the elusive UNIFIED FIELD THEORY that Einstein sought but failed to find because he omitted the elements of mind and spirit. This is a unique journey, which some love and some are afraid to consider. Which are you?

Watch this podcast now, to learn more about your true potential in this life.
#MindShock, #Dr.RonDalrymple,#PodCast

Linda Sechrist
National Editor of Natural Awakenings Magazine
Unleash Your Magnificence

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