Don't Steal, The Police Hate Competition - Policing for Profit

4 years ago

ASSET FORFEITURE: The police can seize your property without charging you with a crime!

Police And Prosecutors Stealing Assets Across America...

Download Policing for Profit: The Abuse of Civil Asset Forfeiture

Police and prosecutors' offices seize private property—often without ever charging the owners with a crime, much less convicting them of one—then keep or sell what they've taken and use the profits to fund their budgets. And considering law enforcement officials in most states don't report the value of what they collect or how that bounty is spent, the issue raises serious questions about both government transparency and accountability.

Under state and federal civil asset forfeiture laws, law enforcement agencies can seize and keep property suspected of involvement in criminal activity. Unlike criminalasset forfeiture, however, with civilforfeiture, a property owner need not be found guilty of a crime—or even charged—to permanently lose her cash, car, home or other property.

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