3 years ago

TRUMP MUST INVOKE THE INSURRECTION ACT. THIS IS MY DOCUMENTATION OF THE NASHVILLE BOMBING made with pictures and videos taken exclusively by me, David Rosler, less than 1 hour after the blast.

No one else has images and footage taken remotely this soon after the blast, with smoke and flames everywhere. (the Youtube video, uploaded the same day as the bombing, has 1,000 views, but I am a Christian filmmaker with a decades-long upper-end mainstream career span and as such am being heavily censored at Youtube)

The bombing took place 3 blocks from my residence in a fashionable area of the city. When the police would not allow me down Church Street nor Commerce Street, they never said anything about the parking garage with a bridge that spanned from 4th Ave to 2nd Ave, the street where the bombing took place. I expected to find a lot of gawkers there on the 2nd Ave, even on that incredibly frigid morning. Instead, the street and parking garage were vacant. Even the police were afraid to venture into the street by their own admission for fear of the possibility of a second explosive device and you can see there is not a soul in either direction for 1,000 feet.

They say no one was killed. I don't believe it. I was right there. While the exposure does not show it, the naked eye could easily see that the insides of the apartments were turned inside-out by the blast and shrapnel. It is possible many have survived, of course, but the idea that no one was killed is plainly a lie. I was there less than an hour after the blast and heard not a human or animal sound inside the apartments or on the street. No sound of anyone crying for help, no weeping, no screaming, no pet sounds, no people climbing over rubble, no ambulance squads taking away the injured nor people helping each other out of the debris. No sound, no people. Nothing. There was one ambulance parked at Church street and 2nd Ave and it never moved.

The place had the silence of the shadow of death stamped all over it.

That street was filled with apartments, most inhabited, and those apartments where turned inside-out. Yet no a soul stirred on that street. Not even police looking to see if anyone survived, as you can see.

As the smoke pouring from every corner of the street and the burning car attests, this footage was taken immediately after the explosion. Emergency workers could not possibly have been combing the buildings and helping out survivors that quickly given the unbelievable destruction that took place; and the news reports said the street was being closed off for fear of another explosive device (I didn't care. frankly, something takes over when something of this importance occurs, and was not phased by the occasional tumbling debris, but there were obvious chemicals in the smoke which made staying long essentially unendurable, otherwise I would have snuck into the destroyed buildings and looked for myself in case anyone was still alive; however the smoke and the police and the lack of structural integrity pretty obvious all around precluded that option, but I have to admit, knowing people might have been inside, I almost made a go of it. I am deeply ashamed of the emergency workers of this city and I would like to know who gave the order to stand down.)

So if the residents of that street were not all evacuated no killed, where were the sounds of the screaming people inside the buildings?.

Unseen by me at the time, on the same side of the street and obscured by smoke and debris and bad viewpoint angle,, is a two-story round hole blown right out of the side of the AT&T server building.

The obvious conclusion of many deaths is borne out by the fact that the police said officially that they were only able to evacuate but a few apartments and one woman interviewed for the news later said if she had not been evacuated she would have been killed. Yet no one was climbing out of their apartments on their own, no one cried for help, only the silence and the ambient quiet sounds of burning and hissing beneath the sound of the repeating alarm, There were no ambulance squads on the scene as you can see; the police were not on the street out of fear and no one was crying for help and the apartments were turned inside out from the blast. There are no videos of people leaving, just a couple of people leaving at some point and that could have bee anywhere along the street, far from the explosion. Where are the videos of the rest the police failed to evacuate by their own admission? Why are there no videos of them being removed immediately afterward? Why no scenes of them before i got there and no sight of them after I arrived. And why no SOUND of them after I arrived? Why no police looking for the obvious-to-hypothesize injured, unable to call for help? At the ends of the street, as can be seen in this video in one B&W shot and another with the swinging "K" sign element dangling from its moorings, the police we not surrounded by shocked and frightened survivors, having their names listed and being accounted for? What we see are police officers and emergencyt responders standing around at the end of the street, basically doing nothing but looking and talking; that footage was taken immediately after the scenes of the exploded street, itself.The only realistic conclusion possible: many people were killed and the government, as usual, is lying for political reasons. The street is STILL closed off, weeks later, I suspect for the continued action of removing human remains in ways not apparent from news helicopters; that sounds crazy, but not as crazy as news reporters looking the audience right in the eye and describing burning city blocks with flames going hundreds of feet in the air a "peaceful BLM protest". Not as crazy as the idea that only a handful of apartments were successfully evacuated and no one was on the street nor no one killed by the shrapnel of the blast in apartments turned inside-out. Obviously a lie for political purposes because 4 days earlier it was posted on Twitter that the Dominion voting machines were on their way to the very spot of the explosion, the AT&T servers for voting machine audit which, when blown up, blacked out wireless phone coverage in 3 states; plainly an act of terrorist Democrats desperately destroying the evidence of massive election fraud, and the Nashville Mayor's office is controlled by Democrats. I saw that Tweet, myself BEFORE the bombing. It was not a fake made after the fact. It was genuine. And several tweets mentioned it a few hours after the bombing, much too quickly after the bombing to be a fake even if I had not seen it before the bombing, and I had.

They say it was a deranged lone bomber. His motivation for supposedly blowing himself up was out of fear of the health hazards of G5 technology, an excuse so absurdly implausible as to be an absolute insult to the intelligence. It is plain that in a mad rush the left-wing terrorists scoped out the neighborhoods quickly, found an RV owned by a loner and killed the loner and took his RV as the detonation carrier so there would be no tracing of the vehicle back to the perpetrators, an old Mafia trick. There is no question that the owner was already dead inside the RV or is lying in a shallow grave, somewhere. Once again, think mafia, Stalin and Hitler. This kind of thing is not only not rare, it is relatively common in history.

This was an act of political terrorism by the radical leftists in America and having seen the destruction closer than anyone else - apparently including the police who stayed off the street for hours out of concern of a potential second device - there is no doubt in my mind that many innocent people must have been killed by the blast that essentially shredded the insides of dozens of apartments.

The explosion was so powerful that it turned the stores and apartments inside out over the entire block and beyond and blew out high-rise windows blocks away, exploding store windows on DIFFERENT streets and throwing those window displays from a block around out into the sidewalks.

I was awake early and writing that Christmas morning. I immediately contacted the concierge desk and, because of the volume of the sound and the intense vibration of the building - like a modest earthquake (I have been in earthquakes and the feeling was vaguely similar) - the desk attendant, extremely rattled, also thought the explosion happened within this very building, 3 blocks away from the actual explosion. THAT is how powerful the blast was and it was not detonated out of paranoid fear of the negative health effects of G5 technology 4 days after it was reported that Dominion voting machines were on their way to those AT&T servers, about which AT&T advertises their use in election security.

This is my original documentation of the aftermath less than one hour after the explosion while smoke and flame engulfed the air and areas of buildings were still burning through and collapsing. The siren and hissing sounds are from the video and that is how it sounded 50 feet from the spot of the detonation one after after the explosion; with not a person heard or seen anywhere on that street; like a graveyard, which is exactly what i believe it now is. This is an entirely exclusive look you will no find anywhere else of how the scene looked and sounded less than one hour after the explosion.

** THIS IS WHAT WE CAN EXPECT EVERY DAY ALL OVER AMERICA WHEN THE STREET GANGS TAKE OVER IF BIDEN IS SWORN IN. PRESIDENT TRUMP MUST INVOKE THE INSURRECTION ACT NOW. NO OPTION. Please find and sign the petition on the White House website, linked through my studio site with the easy URL of


Like Nazi Germany, the street gangs, praised by Biden, Harris and the media, will be the new authority on the streets, and what happened in Nashville, documented here, will be a daily occurrence; the nightmarish new normal of what was once the United States of America. It is obvious that millions will die horribly at the hands of killers Biden has previously either applauded or ignored, and that within the first year of a Biden Administration.

TRUMP MUST SIGN THE INSURRECTION ACT PETITION. Click "Petition" at to take you to the link to the White House website for the petition. All links are guaranteed safe. THIS IS A NO-OPTION MANDATORY RESPONSIBILITY OF PRESIDENT TRUMP. HELP HIM MAKE THE DECISION BY SIGNING THAT PETITION NOW.

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