Battle of Domination - John B Wells Live broadcast from 1-16-2021

3 years ago

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• Peter Chowka

Peter Barry Chowka has worked as an investigative journalist in a variety of media -- including print, radio, television, and documentary films -- for the past five decades. He has done on the ground reporting on national politics, Medicine Inc., and Big Pharma, and promising innovative alternative medical treatments. His work was recognized by the National Institutes of Health, which appointed Peter to two of the first advisory panels of the NIH Office of Alternative Medicine in 1992.

Since 2017, Peter has contributed over 250 articles on politics, socialism, the media, Covid-19, and other subjects to American Thinker dot com. Recently, he was invited to be a regular contributor to the BBC -- the largest broadcaster in the world.

Peter's Web site with links to his free archive of several hundred articles at American Thinker and The Epoch Times is

Peter's Twitter where he welcomes new followers is @pchowka

• Lt. Gen Thomas McInerney

Lt Gen tom McInerney was a fighter pilot who participated in the Berlin crisis, flew missions over Cuba during the Cuban missile crisis, and had 4 tours in Vietnam flying over 400 combat missions.

He was the commander during the attack on Tripoli against col Ghadaffy in Apr 1986 from England. He retired as the asst vice chief of staff USAF and director of VP gore’s reinventing government for all of DOD in 1994.

Since then, he has been a military analyst on tv and radio to include almost 17 years with fox news where he was fired for his strong support of president trump.

Currently, he is chairman of an edge cloud company specializing in mobile cloud technologies and cyber warfare. He is still a very strong supporter of the president and has been leading in showing evidence of how the election was stolen by China and others using cyber warfare.

• Kirk Wiebe

Born in Chicago, Illinois, and raised in the state of Indiana, J. Kirk Wiebe is retired from the National Security Agency (NSA) where he worked for more than 32 years in a variety of positions including linguist, manager, and senior intelligence analyst. He is the recipient of the NSA’s second-highest award, the Meritorious Civilian Service Award, the Director of CIA’s Meritorious Unit Award, a Letter of Commendation from the Secretary of the Air Force, among other awards.

He has appeared on various media, including Fox News Network, CNN, PBS, CBS, and in USA TODAY in his role as a whistleblower on matters of privacy involving massive electronic surveillance being conducted by NSA.

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