Colored Pencil Lollipop Tutorial on Dura-Lar Film

4 years ago

Learn how to draw a lollipop using colored pencils on Dura-Lar film!

Download the free, detailed PDF workbook of this lollipop tutorial at On the header of my website, click on "Tutorials", and then you will see the lollipop tutorial. Click on the tutorial and it will download. This video is meant to be supplementary or secondary as a useful aid for visual learners.

Supply List:
1. Grafix Dura-Lar Double Sided .005 Matte Film, cut to 4x6 size -

2. Tombow 2.3mm Mono Zero Eraser

3. #4 Blending Stump

4. Swiffer Wet Jet Pad or Panty Hose

5. Prismacolor Premier Pencils: Pale Vermilion, Crimson Red, Tuscan Red, 50% French Grey, White, Pale Aqua

6. Artist Tape

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