4 years ago

2021 YEAR OF PERSEVERANCE. And not only that, but we also Glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces Perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Romans 5:3-4

Hard as it may be, we must learn to Glory in tribulations, THE WORD Of GOD even tells us to count it all joy another version says pure Joy when we encounter various trials as abstruse as that sounds, that's coz humanely speaking this is impossible, but with GOD all things are possible.

Tribulations produce in us Perseverance, which in turn produces GODLY Character, anchoring our credence in CHRIST our only Hope. Rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation, devoted to prayer, is our 2021 dictum.
Romans 12:12

Behold I AM coming quickly; hold fast what you have, so that no one will take your Crown. Revelation 3:11

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