More Exposes!-Jan. 15, 2021

4 years ago

More information about what is happening in the now on the planet which will affect the outcome that we will all eventually see.

Class # 5 Intuitive Development - Telepathic Abilities & Becoming Crystalline Structures of Thought - January 2021
I have received the information for our next class.
We will still be devoting much time to the concept of developing our abilities, such as telepathy, in addition to receiving downloads or information concerning our physical development in the light....our crystalline structures coming online, enhancing our physical structures of light.
If you wish to join us, please RSVP.
The class is on Tuesday Jan. 19th, 2021 @ 4:00 pm Eastern.

Wednesday Group Meditations at 7:00 - 8:30 pm Eastern via GoToMeeting. Send an email to to join. You will receive a Paypal invoice for $10.00 Can., & upon receipt of payment, the link for the meeting will be emailed to you.

January 2021 Newsletter can be viewed at

To book your personal appointment, visit


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