Vaccines vs vitamin D. Himalayan salt. Sauerkraut. Early treatment is dangerous says Twitter. Stuff

4 years ago

Thumbnail: Covid-deaths are increasing fast in UK after introducing the vaccine. The pro-vaccine people say that it takes a couple of weeks after the first dose before the vaccine takes effect, and during that time people are actually more vulnerable. But in regions in Spain they gave vulnerable people big doses of vitamin D, and covid just went away.

Himalayan salt is sea salt, but it's millions of years old, which is good because then it doesn't contain mercury and radioactive materials that humans have been putting into the sea laterly. 3% of the sea salt is trace elements, which you need very little of, but it can be a moderately big problem if you miss some of them. And this salt isn't that expensive if you buy the cheaper brands.

If Wikipedia writes this, then you know the opposite is true:
"There is no scientific evidence that consuming sea salt instead of more refined sodium chloride salts has any health benefit."

I mix it with potassium rich salt, as most people are deficient in potassium

It was really easy to make Sauerkraut! Jag put 1.7 weight-% salt in water and put white cabbage in it.

Can this be used in a sauna? That would be cool... Eh, I mean: hot!

Chinese Nio: Solid state battery in 2022:

Swedish article about windpower to produce hydrogen for steal plants:

Biden is doing everything he can to cause problems:

@covid19crusher on Twitter:
"All existing studies on ivermectin against Covid with a mortality endpoint now total more than 6,000 patients and show a 78% reduction in deaths.
At the current global fatality rate, this could save 300,000 lives per month.
With an outstanding safety profile.
At a minimal cost.

Interesting vitamin-D study on the way. Too bad they didn't use 100 IU/kg bodyweight instead:
The CORONAVIT trial has recruited 6200 participants who are randomized to receive either the standard government recommendation of 400 units of vitamin D per day, or vitamin D testing, with an offer of one of two higher dose regimens if levels are found to be low: 800 units per day, or 3200 units per day. We want to know, if it [vitamin D supplementation] does cause benefit, which dose is better?

Covid has killed the flu:
And still some people pushed the useless flu vaccine!
And no: I do not think that the flu patients were counted as covid. The flu deaths were a lie, and now all the weak people die of covid before they can catch anything else.

Fun Fact: "The US will have more troops deployed in DC for the inauguration than it currently has stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan combined."

So poor Joe Biden gets treated badly by Twitter. Buhu!

Twitter flags Brazilian Ministry of Health for telling people to "look for a Health Unit and request early treatment."

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