A conversation with Ava Gardner about female behavior and images

4 years ago

(Originally uploaded on YT on 17th December 2018)

A conversation with Ava about female behavior and images.

After Tamalla and Marilyn had a conversation about sexual energy, Ava made very clear to me that she would like to have a conversation as well and pick her own topics! Ava is completely herself and has some words in this conversation that you might not have expected her to say, and when you are triggered either by her behavior or by these words in one way or another it means in her eyes that you created an image of her that is not correct.

Ava talks about images, an idea that we have created ourselves and believe so hard in it that we think it is real - but it is not. Also the characters that Ava has played in movies, do create a misleading image of female behavior. As both men and women carry the Masculine and Feminine Energy, there is no different between us, we are all equal.

Ava also emphasizes that she is here to share her own life experiences for you to learn what not to do, as you are still here there is still time and options to choose a path that makes you more happy.

Please find below the questions Tamalla asked

• Could you please tell us more about yourself?
• There are rumors that there were other women in the film industry that did back-stab other women, did you have that experience? And you were personally involved.
• How did you build your confidence level back up?
• And yet your husband nr 3, does make you smile 😊
• Talk with us about archetypes, images of a certain type of women, like a bombshell.
• When you were an actress and you knew it was an image that you sold, how did you feel about it knowing this?
• How did it feel when you had to bring in the cash and take care of your husband?
• What is your view on being a mother and putting herself last on her priority list?
• What would you women encourage to do so they can be in balance and take care of themselves first?
• Do you have anything you want to leave us with?

For more information about my work please visit
website: www.channelingcarla.com
to book an appointment: info@channelingcarla.com

For my energetic work
website: www.stepforwardandbecomewhole.com
to book an appointment: info@stepforwardandbecomewhole.com

For Soul readings, clearings, courses with Tamalla, please find more information on her website: https://yourownsoul.com and reach out to her info@yourownsoul.com

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