Charles Manson was a patsy - Mae Brussell

4 years ago

Most say it’s just another conspiracy theory, however, with a list of various reasons for what caused the insanity that makes up the infamous ‘Manson murders’, we can’t leave out the ‘Manson Patsy’ theory highly publicised by radio host Mae Brussell, a Stanford and University of California, Berkeley, graduate, remembered primarily for her questioning of the Assassination of President Kennedy and her radio show, “Dialogue: Conspiracy”, later renamed World Watchers International.

For 17 years Mae Brussell shared with her radio audience her daily research on political assassinations and world-wide government corruption until she passed away from Cancer in 1988. Brussell discussed everything from Watergate to mind control, Charles Manson, JFK, Hitler, John Lennon, the CIA and many more controversial topics. Interestingly enough, she wasn’t the only one questioning some of the most significant events of the 20th century, including the Manson Murders of 1969.

Charles Manson was a patsy. He is identical, historically, to Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan, and James Ray. Charles Manson killed nobody in the Sharon Tate home or in the La Bianca home. He was being charged with these murders and he didn’t kill any one of those seven people. He was used. He was a person who had been in jail twenty-two of his thirty-two years of life. He was the product of our penal system. He was not a hippie or a part of the youth culture. They bought him a guitar, let his hair grow, put a leather jacket on him, gave him money, gave him a bus and credit cards, and told him to do his thing. – Mae Brussell

For this particular theory, it all began in the Summer of 1967, in San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury district; many called it the “Summer of Love” where a phenomenon of rebellious teens and young adults converged on the world, creating somewhat of a cyber culture of ‘hippies’ with Haight-Ashbury seemingly, its world-wide headquarters.

The group rejected established institutions, criticized middle class values, opposed nuclear weapons and especially despised with the Vietnam War. They also resisted any form of authority that went against their unconditional beliefs of peace, love, sex, drugs and rock and roll. Yet, aside from peace and love, the groups also created daily riots and antiwar protesters, as many as 100,000 marched on Washington D.C. and the Pentagon. You could say these war-hating hippies were getting noticed, big-time, and they were becoming problematic posing a serious threat to the military-industrial complex.

Thousands of long haired, mostly white, “flower children” filled the streets chanted things like ‘end the war now’ and held signs with statements such as ‘flower power’ and ‘make love not war’, as fires burned from DC to the Sunset Strip. The movement was creating an economical and sociological threat to both the government and its Vietnam War effort and something had to be done about it; something to label these ‘hippies‘ as violent, misguided and dangerous individuals; far from lovers of peace.

Many believe that Charles Manson fit that bill. In fact, government whistle-blower Charles Schlund suggests that these murders may have, in fact, been a social experiment and covert operation carried out by the CIA to put an end to the ‘hippy movement’ entirely. Schlund, an investigative journalist told his tale of a huge cache of documents he called the ‘Don Bolles Papers’ which were discovered during a robbery in the 1970s. The original target for the robbery was cash which was under heavy guard in a hotel room but the walk-in safe instead held only cases of documents which were ultimately stolen for their anticipated value based on the security detail involved.

The war was going badly and the American people were protesting in ever-greater numbers with pictures of pretty flower girls on TV nightly, protesting. The CIA needed a way of showing the American people that these pretty little flower girls were really Satanists and evil and that the government was right and just in the war. To do this the government needed to conduct a massive covert operation to convince the American people that these little flower girls were evil, and the free love and peace they talked of was really to cover-up evil. – Chuck Schlund

Schlund, now deceased, said the heist of documents were indeed immensely valuable and included, amongst other things, evidence on Operation Northwood, the MKULTRA experiments and detailed information on the CIA’s involvement in the Manson family Murders, as well as hundreds of other incidents. Schlund filed a notice of claim before the courts (R.I.C.O. Lawsuit Against G.W. Bush [Affidavit]) documenting his intent to sue then United States president, George W. Bush, regarding the documents’ suppression, but the suit was never actually filed and the case never went to trial.
As Vincent Bugliosi told the Observer newspaper in 2009

“The Manson murders sounded the death knell for hippies and all they symbolically represented… They closed an era. The 60s, the decade of love, ended on that night, on 9, August 1969.” – Vincent Bugliosi

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