GLADIO - suppressed and banned documentary on false flag terror

4 years ago

Antifa, BLM and the rest are just the latest, American, version of death squad fake terror cells created and maintained by CIA and its servant agencies and groups. This documentary, suppressed and banned everywhere, explains, and proves, how basically NO terror group on "the left" or "the right" are real. All of them are part of the Stay Behind Program.
In the same way the fake "serial killers" (remember them? all gone now) were an American blowback from Operation Phoenix in Viet Nam, GLADIO has come home to America as well.
The purpose is to control through terror.
With the coup of Election 2020 America has fallen, and only revolution will restore it.
Take the time to really listen to this documentary. Pay close attention. Familiar names and faces.

Strategy of Tension is what is being used against Americans right now.
Those calling for prayer rather than action are unwitting (?) traitors to the cause of liberty.

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