It's Time to Break Up Big Media

3 years ago

In this episode, Dr. Veltmeyer calls for using the antitrust laws of the nation to dissolve the media and Big Tech monopolies which control, coordinate, and manipulate the free flow of news and information in the United States. He points out that 90% of U.S. media is controlled by just six media conglomerates, that 232 media executives control what media 330 million Americans consume. The concentration of power is even more pronounced on the Internet where just a handful of corporate digital despots control almost all information consumed online. Read: Google, Facebook, and Twitter. With their heavily left-wing bias and lavish funding of the Democrat Party and its candidates, these media and tech monopolies are simply propaganda agencies of the International Left. Just as Standard Oil was ordered dissolved by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1911 as a threat to the republic, the same should happen today to Big Media and Big Tech.

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