Manvantara cycles represent Supercontinent cycles

4 years ago

[Karunakar Marasakatla - This is an expanded version of my Sangam talk with same title. This talk was recorded in slow pace, playback at 1.5 times speed to make it comfortable to watch]

Manvantara cycles were referenced in ancient texts in regard to the age of the earth and the universe. In that case, which era of the earth’s history coincides with the Manvantara cycles? In the research I did about twenty years ago (2000-02), I concluded that there were striking similarities between the Manvantara cycles and the Supercontinent cycles on the earth. I also found that the Seven earths in Hebrew texts and seven Karshvars of the Zoroastrian texts were also have similarities with the Supercontinent cycles. In this talk I explore the theory and discusses the later developments in earth sciences.

Learning from Paramahamsa Yogananda Kriya lessons in 2019 made me to realize that six days of creation and the seventh day of rest described in the Genesis is also the description of Manvantara cycles. That was the trigger for planning and delivering the Sangam Talk. For this reason, I dedicate this talk to my Guru Paramahamsa Yogananda in this centennial year (1920-2020) of establishing the Self Realization Fellowship.

Sangam Talk:

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