How to stop comparing yourself with other people - How to stop jealousy and envy

4 years ago

In this video we’re learning how to stop comparing ourselves with other people – something I think most of us learned very young. This behavior can become unhealthy when we start changing who we are or what we do – based on other people, and not based on what the right, healthy thing to do is.

Comparison with other people is another source of toxic jealousy and envy in our lives, especially when we’re talking about the things we can’t change. But even when we look to others in terms of things we ourselves can improve, if we feel bad because we think we come up short – it’s still unhealthy. The Bible tells us in Hebrews 13:5 that God Himself will never leave us or forsake us, so we don’t need to keep to keep track of how we’re doing compared to others. We can focus on God and let Him lead us into fulfilling the Plan He has for us, individually.

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