Mike Pence - The 2 Heads-of-State & The Traitor?

4 years ago

Mike Pence - The Two Heads-of-State / The Traitor?

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Pres. Donald J. Trump will stay in the White House past January 20, 2021!

Is there an ancient mystery that lies behind the November 2020 American election?

Is it possible that there exists an ancient blueprint, a pattern, a template that hints, that typifies, that demystifies the November 2020 American Election?

Hidden within the ancient scroll of "1 KINGS" are mysteries so precise, they expose the November 2020 American Election down to the exact names,

exact personalities, exact positions, exact words, exact slogans of the major players of the 2020 US Presidential Election.

Why is "1 KINGS 1" just asking to be titled, "The Steal and The Recount"?



The Steal And The Recount: The Ancient Mystery that holds the Secret of the November 2020 Election
(Part 1, with graphics)

Amy Coney Barrett and others in "The Steal And The Recount"
(Part 2, with graphics)

The Steal And The Recount: President Donald John Trump will stay in the White House past January 20, 2021!
(Part 3, with graphics)

The President-Reject Crashes Down
(with Graphics)

Wanted: Genuine News Producers & True Journalists Who Will Report The News, Not Make Them!
(Send us Resumes/CVs)

President Donald John Trump will stay in the White House past January 20, 2021!

Watch Out for the Little Green Men in Georgia!

Scoop: The Arrest Warrants Are Underway


Watch the New Video about MIKE PENCE!
Watch the New Video about MIKE PENCE!
Watch the New Video about MIKE PENCE!

Order the eBook Now:

The Steal And The Recount:
The Ancient Mystery that holds the Secret
of the November 2020 US Election

©2020 Joshua Ben-Yehoshafat (Author)


This book was part of the message by the Author on
14 November 2020
based on the world-wide appointed Bible reading, among Jewish congregations, namely 1 Kings 1,
The Messianic Gemeinschaft
in Vienna, Austria



Those who wish to request prayer, or to support this Ministry, or to help put this message into printed book form, contact us.

We'd be very happy to hear from you, to receive donations via Paypal or bank transfer, or to answer any of your questions.

You can also visit The Gathering, our Messianic Gemeinschaft, here in Austria in Europe.

Please watch the continuing segments.

To God Be The Glory,

Joshua Ben-Yehoshafat
Messianic Pastor
Messianic Gemeinschaft
Vienna, Austria (Europe)

P.S. A big thank you to all, who regularly give for the work of this ministry. The donations are very helpful.
Each contribution will be used for necessary expenses.
We are not part of a big organization and no organization supports us, but only you, through your givings and donations:

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Austrian Mission
Bank: Raiffeisen (in Europe)
IBAN: AT103312500000206417
BLZ/Swift-Code: 33125


P.S. Ein großes Dankeschön an alle, die regelmäßig für die Arbeit des Dienstes geben. Die Spenden sind sehr hilfreich. Jede Spende wird verwendet für die notwendigen Ausgaben. Zusätzliche Spenden wissen wir gerade zu dieser Zeit sehr zu schätzen. Wir sind kein Teil einer größeren Kongregation und es gibt auch keine Organisation, die unsere messianische Gemeinschaft finanziell unterstützt. Wir sind sehr dankbar an jeden, der diesen Dienst unterstützt.

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Empfänger: Österreichische Mission

IBAN: AT103312500000206417

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