We Played Right Into Their Hands | Graham Allen | Ep 61

4 years ago

Veteran, author, and host Graham Allen knows the storming of the Capitol building played right into the hands of Democrats. The incident will be used to label all conservatives as unhinged, violent, and dangerous. It will be used to silence Trump and anyone who supported him. We already see Big Tech selectively severing accounts and platforms at will. Graham Allen knows that if you want to win an election, you need social media. Therefore, Big Tech owns the government. We must fight to preserve our nation, but we have to be smart. Some people are calling for an armed uprising, but Graham Allen says those calling for war have never actually been in a war. And speaking of wars, conservatives are losing the culture war, and if we don't get our act together, the next generation of voters will be indoctrinated to a point of no return. Learn how Graham Allen is fighting to outsmart the Left in this episode of Rick & Bubba University!

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