Cancel Culture Comes For You

4 years ago

Americans are now primed to punish their fellow Americans for our political views to a greater extent than we have seen before. With today's ALG Minute, I'm Catherine Mortensen.

The Big Tech censorship and cancel culture may soon come to you and me.

Think about everything you do in daily life. Consider how reliant you are on goods and services controlled by entities in whole or in part run by executives who hate your political views.

The left has already said it is making lists to prevent Trump administration personnel from getting jobs in the private sector. What’s to stop them or their allies in the media and corporate America from doing the same to any of us?

If this continues, the American Left could develop a Chinese communist party style “social credit" system where private enterprises grade us on ideology and determine what we can and cannot do based on how closely we hew to its ideology.

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