Sunshine blood and zombies at Belmont Lake

4 years ago

Welcome back!!! Another adventure with us having some fun at #BelmontLakeStatePark. ***No zombies or people were hurt in the making of this film :)*** Chris did try the #balancingbeam. We took in the #sunshine and tried to avoid the #hoards. There were people everywhere in and out of the woods acting like #zombies. Chris attempts to recall #survival techniques from #Survivorman. The only thing we could do is embrace the situation and do what we could to survive and get out of there unscathed :). Not sure about you all but squirrel is a delicacy we could do without!

0:33 Chris on balancing beam
0:43 Heard zombies in woods
1:11 First sign of hoard
1:33 #Blood on leaves
1:55 #Breakingnews
2:31 #ruins
3:23 Survival options
5:01 Decision has to be made

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