"Shock & Awe Preaching" - Responding to "On The Box" & Ray Comfort - Kerrigan Skelly

4 years ago

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#shockawepreaching #raycomfort #onthebox

In this video, Kerrigan Skelly of PinPoint Evangelism http://www.pinpointevangelism.com responds to the Way of the Master/Living Waters Internet Show, "On The Box". He is responding to Episode #533, which is titled, "Shock & Awe Preaching". Here is the link to it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvootgUFRs0

In the "On The Box" video, Ray Comfort, Brad Snow and Eddie talk about "Shock & Awe Preaching" for about 6 min. They begin to talk about it around the 3:30 mark and finish up around the 9:30 mark. They are inconsistent in things they say, apply Scripture improperly, make assumptions about people and even say things that simply are not true. Kerrigan responds to all of these things.

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