Binaural Beats Theta Waves Meditation Music 4.5Hz Great for before bed / sleep

4 years ago

This is for meditation purposes since it produces the 4.5 Hz Theta binaural beat. This is best if you use headphones as you need to hear the different frequencies in each ear. The third sound is being made by your brain.

The word binaural means “having or relating to two ears”. This represents the process, which works by simultaneously sending a marginally different sound frequency to each ear through headphones.

Brainwave entrainment happens inside the brain, and is caused by a physiological response. Upon hearing two tones of different frequencies – sent simultaneously to the left and right ears – the brain perceives a third tone based on the mathematical difference between the two frequencies.

The brain then follows along at the new frequency and produces brainwaves at the same rate of Hertz (Hz).

For example: if a 200 Hz sound frequency is sent to the left ear, and a 205 Hz to the right ear, the brain will process those two frequencies and perceive a new frequency at 5 Hz.

The brain then follows along at the new frequency (5 Hz), producing brainwaves at the same rate of Hertz (Hz). The technical term for this process is ‘frequency following response'.

Difference of 0.1-4 Hz is Delta (deep sleep)
Difference of 4-8 Hz is Theta (meditation)
Difference of 8-14 Hz is Alpha (relaxed focus)
Difference of 14-30 Hz is Beta (high level focus, problem solving)
Difference of 30-100 Hz is Gamma (peak awareness)

Remember, the brain will only respond in the intended way if it receives the sound frequencies at the same time through headphones.

What Are Binaural Beats & How Can They Affect Our Brain?

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