Big Tech's Big Agenda; Why Xi Jinping Fears Big Tech

3 years ago

First it was Twitter and Facebook, then Google, followed by Apple, Amazon and Microsoft, all vowing to block the President’s social media communications until at least Biden’s inauguration on January 20th. Essentially, we’re witnessing the radicalization of Big Tech, ostensibly to stave off the “violence” that Trump’s expected to incite if he’s ‘let loose’ on the social media frontier. But what deeper motives could Big Tech have to seeing the President silenced until he’s left office, and to seeing Democrats generally advantaged over Republicans on the social media stage? Could it have something to do with the Section 230 act which effectively renders Big Tech immune to lawsuits, which President Trump sought to repeal?

While Big Tech is pulling out all the stops of totalitarian-style suppression of free speech, why would the head of the world’s most totalitarian state, the Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party, not welcome them with open arms? Could it be that Xi Jinping can see certain dangers posed by Big Tech that have eluded its primary partner in anti-Trumpism, the Democratic Party?

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