No More Voting Machines, Please!, 3456

4 years ago

By John Hammer
Good morning, I’m still reporting on the coup.
To any sentient person the thought of Joe Biden being president is terrifying. Even liberals should be scared to death of having a president who can’t seem to get it in his head that he will be president and Kamala Harris vice president, not the other way around.
But that fear is nothing compared to the awful realization that if Joe Biden becomes president and nothing is done to take our vote counting away from any sort of computer device, there will be no more free and fair elections in the US which means under our watch we have allowed a once great nation to devolve into tyranny.
If President Donald J. Trump can’t get an election investigated for fraud, who can. First, he is currently President of the United States of America, supposedly the most powerful man in the world.
Second, he is Donald Trump, who never backs down from a fight and even when it seems he is defeated, it turns out he lost a battle to win the war. Trump is the most brilliant politician of our age. First, he took on the Republican Party and won. Then he took on the Democratic Party without much help from the mainstream Republican Party and he won.
He won the presidency without the advantage of having the organization of a national political party behind him. In other words, he did it on his own, with his own unique style.
Since the election, Trump, his attorneys, his supporters and numerous independent researchers have presented a wealth of evidence that there was election fraud. You can claim that they haven’t presented absolute proof of election fraud, but that isn’t how the system is supposed to work. If solid evidence of election fraud has been brought forward, in a normal world it would be investigated and there would be a court case where that evidence was presented and it would be determined whether the standard of proof was met.
But there has been no investigation and no court will hear the evidence.
For example, in six states where Trump was leading and that Biden had to win, vote counting stopped at just about the same time on election night. Vote counting does not normally stop until the votes are counted. Anyone who has closely watched more than a couple of elections had had to stay up until the wee hours of the morning, to find out who won. Election officials stay up all night if necessary, to count the votes.
In these six states they stopped counting votes. Is that proof that there was fraud. No, but it is evidence. In the other 44 states and the District of Columbia the vote counting didn’t stop until the votes were counted. So why in these six states did vote counting stop at about the same time on election night? It is not proof of fraud, but it is proof that something out of the ordinary was happening and only happening in the swing states where Trump was leading.
In Georgia, vote counting stopped reportedly because a pipe burst, but no pipe burst. There was no flood. So why did vote counting stop? It seems like a reasonable question.
Trump lost votes. In an election the candidates, all candidates should have their vote totals rise throughout the night. In 30 years of closely following elections, I have never once seen a candidate lose votes during the night. Is that proof of election fraud, no but it is evidence.
There is no chain of custody on large batches of ballots that were overwhelmingly for Joe Biden, is that proof of election fraud, no but it is evidence.
I could go on. There is a wealth of evidence of election fraud, but at all levels, courts have treated the subject as though it was radioactive.
The courts didn’t accept the challenges to the election. Various state and local officials didn’t accept challenges to the election. The Supreme Court in effect said that nobody had standing to challenge an election. It is far different from what the Supreme Court did in Bush v. Gore, but it is a different Supreme Court with a Chief Justice who does not make decisions based on law but on political expediency.
The results of the election were all certified without any serious investigations, except by Trump people. Thousands of affidavits were filed by eyewitnesses to election fraud and no one in authority has paid any attention.
And that is the scariest part, what we have discovered is that there is no way to challenge a seemingly fraudulent election.
No matter how absurd the vote totals are, there seems to be no way for anyone, including the President of the United States, to challenge a single ballot. It doesn’t matter if you can prove that the ballot was cast by someone who has been dead for 30 years, someone who has never been registered to vote, or someone who voted repeatedly. Even ballots that had no chain of custody and were obviously filled out not by a person, but by a machine can’t be challenged.
The only way a Republican is going to win in the future is if the Democratic machine decides to let them win. Even Republicans in safe Republican districts are not safe because it is now acceptable for the Democrats to produce more votes than voters like they did in Pennsylvania.
If Joe Biden becomes president, then on our watch we have seen the last free and fair election, and we can’t even be sure when the last free and fair election was. It wasn’t in 2016, Trump won that despite the voter fraud; and if it hadn’t been for stopping the vote in the early hours of the morning to make partisan adjustments to the vote totals he would have won again.
Edmund Burke said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
We have done nothing and now it appears there is nothing we can do.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good day.

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